Ryan posted an update 3 months ago
Hi everyone. I have made the decision to shutdown Gumshoe later this week. I launched Gumshoe almost a year ago with the goal of providing a completely free platform for true crime enthusiasts. Unfortunately, the platform has been stagnant with interaction and community interest, which no longer justifies the monthly cost to upkeep it. …
Sorry to hear that but thank you for the announcement and the website while it’s lasted.
Ryan posted an update 5 months ago
Until I have functionality to switch between dark/light mode, I would love to gauge what option most people use while browsing online and in apps?
Do you prefer Dark Mode or Light Mode when browsing?
I use Dark mode in my browsers
on mobile and desktop
Thanks for starting this case! I’ll look into this one more. Looking forward to the articles!
My thinking has shifted with this case
I’ve been following this case for several years and more recently I have begun to shift my thinking when it comes to what occurred, and why over 5 years later we haven’t seen an arrest. Please note what I am about to write is of course my personal thoughts, and I am happy to have a discussion beyond it. Like everyone else, I just want…
Murderella -
Today would have been Liz’s 35th birthday. I hope we get answers and her family can get some closure soon.
This case has been on my mind today. It’s hard to believe the vehicle caught on camera in the neighborhood wasn’t tracked by more cameras (or if it was, it hasn’t been enough for law enforcement to make an arrest.). What do you think is holding this case back from an arrest?
Ryan posted an update 9 months ago
9 months ago (edited)
Development Update:
All members now have the ability to create cases and moderate/admin that case. This is a trial feature that I’ll be monitoring to make sure cases remain accurate and have integrity.
I have created a new feature called Case Calendar. This is a community driven calendar that allows members to view and submit important upcoming…
Thanks for all your hard work, Ryan! This is really awesome and helpful!!
Seems to be a 404 error for adding to the calendar via web mobile site.
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I don’t believe it was reported if she was. My understanding is the attack was quick. Do you believe the suspect is male or female?
Link previews to mainstream sites blocked to US
Can you DM me the link you are trying to show that isn’t working so I can do some tests?
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