Ryan posted an update in the group
a year agoKilling of Missy Bevers
Linking the video of the suspect roaming around the church prior to Missy arriving. The person is wearing a police outfit, and there’s still debate over the gender of this suspect.
Another case with footage that just adds more speculation.
Shourtney7 and djw-
This is one of the oddest disguises for a suspect but they must be the prime suspect based on the circumstances of being there.
There has been a fair amount of debate with this case on whether this was a burglary gone wrong, or if the suspect was “buying time” and waiting for Missy to arrive.
I believe this was a church, so I am unsure why that would be a target for a random robbery that she just happened to walk into. I believe suspect was very close to Missy in some fashion.
Today I think the person in SWAT gear has a female gait but I can change my mind day to day on this one.
Odd but also apparently smart. He/she must have known about the cameras. Definitely don’t think it was a robbery gone wrong. That makes no sense to me.