• Jen

        I have been following this case since it happened and I never thought the family was responsible. However, I have been looking at the evidence in a new light.  

        What are your thoughts? 

        • It always seems the answers to these mysteries end up being right within family/friend circle.  

          • theanalysistbear (edited)


            know you didn’t ask for my thoughts, but if you wanted to hear them I would be glad to give them.


            • @theanalysistbear Would love to hear your thoughts! What are they?

              • @Ryan well, for one, I think it’s most probable that the murderer came from inside the house due to the lack of forced entry as well as the lack of evidence suggesting an intruder. One could argue the fact that there was an unrecognizable footprint outside the basement window as well as the unidentified palm print (partial) on a door in the basement. Those could easily be explained away in the case the Ramsay’s had workers which I would assume was the case due to the fact that the house had 4 stories and they were very wealthy.

                • @theanalysistbear Not to mention the fact that about 20 of the 26 letters in the supposed “ransom note” was matched to none other than Patsy Ramsey herself with her writing style. Also with mentioning the “ransom note”, you should take into consideration that the pen and the paper used for the note were in the Ramsey house therefore the intruder was either incredibly stupid and decided to wait to write a ransom note after they “abducted” JBR or they decided to make it a “ransom kidnapping” after they broke into the home. But since it is most likely that it was not an intruder then those both aren’t the case. Also the fact that the note pad used to write the “ransom note” was located by the stairs where the note was found itself yet the cup that held the pens or rather “sharpies” was located near the kitchen obviously those being two different places.

                  • @theanalysistbear I have many more thoughts on this whole case and the possible events that happened that night also the time around when JBR may have died. Let me know if you would like to hear more.

                    – Bear

          • Jen

            I would like to hear more. I do believe that Patsy’s guilt “caused” her cancer.