How it Works

Gumshoe is designed to be a platform that creates one central place for true crime enthusiasts to interact with cases that interest them, and connect with other community members who have a passion for following true crime stories.

The platform is built with strong moderation in mind. Theories and meaningful discussions are encouraged, but “witch hunts” or blatantly false information will be removed. Every feature of Gumshoe is scalable through user permissions. As we progress through beta testing, we will be getting feedback and adjusting what our platform allows, and to which user groups. Below are the current features and flow of how Gumshoe works.


Cases can be created by any Gumshoe member. Think of cases like groups. Each case has a name, description, case type (missing, homicide, etc.), avatar photo, cover photo, activity feed, discussion boards, and a media section to upload files. Cases are also designed so that you can grant moderation permissions to additional members who are very knowledgeable and invested in a particular case.

There is also flexibility in what is allowed in each case. For example, some cases may not have a discussion board, or may not allow for document uploading unless you’re a case moderator. This creates the ability to customize permissions based on the specific needs of each case.


Every member has their own space with the standard social features you would expect. You can upload a profile photo, cover photo, post on your timeline, connect with other members, private message, and fill out profile questions specific to true crime topics.

You can control which information is displayed to other community members, adjust notification settings, follow members and cases, and subscribe to specific threads.

Gumshoe does not require real information about our members beyond a valid email. Anonymity is encouraged but that decision is ultimately up to each member.

Case Calendar

This is a community driven calendar that allows members to view and submit important upcoming events pertaining to cases. These events can include press conferences, hearings, interviews, and other categories.

The calendar currently supports either a list or month view, and can be easily exported to a personal calendar (Google Calendar, iCal, and Outlook.) Each event can be submitted with detailed information, and each event can be commented on for discussion.

Member Directory

Gumshoe has a robust directory that allows you to find members based on profile criteria. For example, if you type a podcast or case name, you’ll see all members whose profile contains those same search terms.